CANSTAT Annual Meeting – November 2023

Led by CANSTAT Director, Dr. Sameer Parpia, the Canadian Network for Statistical Training in Trials held its first Annual Meeting on November 14-15, 2023 in Toronto. The Annual Meeting was co-chaired by Drs. Anna Heath (SickKids) and Hubert Wong (UBC). The meeting goals were to (1) bring together trainees and mentors and create a community within CANSTAT (2) provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration and (3) train participants and mentors to undertake their roles within the CANSTAT program. The program included presentations and workshops from world-renowned statisticians and experts with topics that ranged from clinician-statistician working relationships, leadership & mentorship, equity, diversity, and inclusion in clinical trials, confirmatory versus exploratory analysis, and estimands in trials. The Annual Meeting was an exceptional networking opportunity. Participants were able to expand their knowledge and further develop their professional skill set, which will ultimately improve the quality of clinical trials in Canada.